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Instructions for cross-border shipments to Kyndryl

The following Shipping procedural instructions (SPI) are to be used as a general guideline for exporting and importing, and this information is provided to assist Kyndryl suppliers and partners when shipping to Kyndryl.

Please note:

  1. These procedures cannot be interpreted as a substitute for compliance to applicable governmental regulations. This information is provided “as is” and is subject to change without notice. 
  2. Kyndryl makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or reliability of such trade information in compliance with laws. 
  3. If your company is designated as the Exporter/Importer of Record, it is your legal responsibility to understand and comply with export/import regulations of the appropriate countries. Kyndryl shall not be responsible for your failure to follow applicable export/import regulations.

Shipping Transportation Guidelines

The following guidelines must be adhered to when shipping goods for transport:
  1. Indicate complete purchase order number, item quantity, and Kyndryl part or tool number, if any, in all invoices, shipping containers, packing lists, and correspondence.
  2. Furnish Kyndryl with the item(s) indicated above in accordance with all conditions specified.
  3. Clearly mark the carton containing its Packing Slip.
  4. Invoices that include sales tax must have the tax amount specified separately on the face of the invoice.

Quick Links for Cross-Border Shipment Instructions

Kyndryl Country of Origin Marking Instructions

Before you begin shipping to Kyndryl: Kyndryl’s policy is to buy IT equipment in country directly from an OEM or Distributor. In the event the IT equipment is not available from a local OEM or Distributor, only then Kyndryl will support sourcing globally.

Cross-Border Shipment Instructions

Also known as: Supplier Shipping Procedural Instructions (SPI) - Suppliers shipping to Kyndryl must follow the SPI when Kyndryl is the Importer of Record or when suppliers are shipping within the European Union.

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Country of Origin Marking Instructions

All articles produced, procured, or repaired for Kyndryl, including "no charge" items provided or returned to Kyndryl, must be marked with the appropriate country of origin. This includes finished products, Field Replaceable Units (FRUs), and more. 

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