In their own words, three employees share how volunteering provides individual purpose and helps power progress.


Companies have historically considered volunteerism to be an important way to engage employees and support communities. But there is an extra perk: it also helps employee well-being.

In fact, in today’s competitive talent landscape, organizations that embrace and promote a service-led culture are more likely to attract, engage and retain their best staff.

“Encouraging volunteerism in your organization helps local communities, creates a stronger workplace culture and advances Corporate Social Responsibility goals,” said Pam Hacker, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility at Kyndryl. “People want to work for a company that cares about making an impact in the communities where they work.”

Kyndryl is doing its part. As the world’s largest IT infrastructure services provider, and a new company, Kyndryl demonstrated its commitment to community engagement with two significant actions early on. It launched a volunteer time off policy on its first anniversary and set an ambitious goal of increasing volunteer hours by 10 percent in its second year. Employees have made a positive impact in areas ranging from climate issues and digital divides to cultural inclusion and educational access, among others.

Through the company’s various Employee Resource Groups, including Kyndryl Inclusion Networks (KINs), and its volunteerism platform Deed, employees regularly get involved with the organizations and causes they care about, in line with its purpose-driven culture, known as The Kyndryl Way.

In the first of a two-part series celebrating volunteerism and International Volunteer Day, Kyndryl employees personally reveal why giving back is so important.

Why I volunteer: Climate change is real, and acting upon it while we still can is critical for our future and for future generations. As a mother, this hits home even harder because I care deeply about the conditions in which my child will grow up. Creating a rising community like Eco Stream, which inspires eco-conscious groups of people at the local and global levels, has been the most meaningful part of my volunteering journey. Together with this amazing collective, we have organized successful garbage clean up drives, educated our people on environmental protection and sustainability, and enforced plastic-free meetings in Poland.

There is never a dull moment in my volunteering journey — I am always challenging myself to learn more and do more. Being immersed in corporate volunteerism has helped me to not only sharpen my understanding of the business, but also given me a niche to belong to and that fulfills me. Kyndryl has been a great stepping stone in my volunteering journey. It has given me the platform I need to introduce change through more evolved eco-friendly practices and mindsets in the organization.

Agata Dańkowska leads a garbage clean up drive in Poland.
With the Eco Stream team, Dańkowska builds zero-waste kennels for sheltered dogs.

Why I volunteer: Supporting veterans resonates with me as a member of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and as a father whose son has been on two tours of Afghanistan as an Army combat engineer. I have seen firsthand the risks he braved during his multiple deployments. In my work with the Australian Peacekeeper and Peacemaker Veterans’ Association, I find joy in simple things like sharing a veteran's story or bringing the ANZAC spirit to the community on social media and commemorative events. The heartfelt responses from veterans, veterans’ families and the public affirm the value and importance of remembrance and support. I'm reminded daily that this work does more than remember — it unites, uplifts and fosters empathy.

The great thing about living my purpose at Kyndryl is that ‘powering human progress’ is not just a company phrase — it is in action. I am grateful that the company is aligned to my desire to serve and create a positive impact, and that it encourages me to weave my convictions into my professional life every day.

Rod Hutchings at the ANZAC Day Commemorative Service at Upwey Belgrave RSL.
Hutchings conducts an ANZAC Day memorial service for Volleyball Victoria at Maroondah Nets.

Why I volunteer: As an international student, I was fortunate to live in multicultural environments. This vast exposure helped define my perspective and passion for diversity and inclusion. Though I am not a teacher by profession, I find joy in teaching high school students who are taking part in a dual-education program in Hungary.

I’ve had my fair share of difficult experiences with racism and unfair treatment of individuals with learning differences. But rather than making me bitter, these experiences have spurred me to help raise awareness through education and dispel stereotypes associated with autism and ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). One of my proudest moments was helping to translate a book on autism into Hungarian for children. Because my second son is neurodivergent, I am in a better position to empathize with others like him at the workplace. The causes I am passionate about ladder up to Kyndryl’s own culture and strategy, and I am grateful for the support I get here; that includes a day of paid leave to volunteer and a rich network of like-minded individuals who open doors and help make an impact.

Elza Pálinkás helps teach children with learning differences.
Pálinkás represents Kalmyk heritage on Kyndryl Hungary’s first International Culture Day.